Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Venue: Online.
Tony Dawber in attendance on behalf of PCN who are associate members of the LACVS.
In attendance: Garth Hodgkinson (chair), Alan Chapman (secretary), TD for PCN, reps from West Lancs, Lancaster, Blackburn and Hyndburn CVSs.
Issues discussed
1 Greg Mitten of the LOCAL project joined meeting to give update.
Advised successful launch at Deepdale, now 4,000 contacts, good progress being made on a range of issues.
2 Integrated Care Board. Continuing and well documented issues re growing number of referrals but lack of funding to deal with this increased workload. Also lack of info and updates on strategy. LACVS to write to ICB re concerns.
3 Discussions on a range of other concerns including place based issues. Consideration give to bringing various bodies together to discuss.