Lancashire Association of CVSs – Board meeting
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Venue: Online.
Tony Dawber attended on behalf of PCN.
In attendance: Garth Hodgkinson (chair), TD, Vic Cittarella (West Lancs CVS), Alan Chapman (secretary), Elaine Barker (Hyndburn CVS), Lynn Saggerson ( Blackpool CVS)
Issues discussed
1 Mental Health Transformation Fund bid – bid made by LACVS but unsuccessful. GH said no knowledge as to who did get the funding.
2 Feedback on LOCAL launch. Mostly positive. Speakers and workshops well received and event well attended.
3 LACVS Event Calendar being set up. TD to advise PCN events for inclusion.
4 Health Updates. TD attended LSCFT strategy refresh update. Gave update to meeting.
LOCAL to push for more representation on ICB bodies.
5 TD gave update on PCN activities.
6 Volunteering for Health. Bid fronted by Lancs Teaching Hospitals charity now submitted.
7 Next meeting April 16. TD to attend.